Roche has an established Pharmacovigilance (PV) system to monitor for suspected side effects of medicines and medical devices, during clinical trials and after they are available for use in the wider population. Whenever new safety information is identified, we evaluate all available safety data to update the product safety profile (e.g. update product label) as appropriate. Monitoring the safe use of medicines and medical devices, gives us a better understanding of the risk-benefit profile and can help both patients and healthcare professionals make informed decisions about treatments.
Pharmacovigilance is a key contributor to the Healthcare System as it allows for better understanding of side effects and patient risk factors. Evidence-based use of medicines ensures that each patient can receive optimum treatment based on their individual circumstances such as existing/prior medical history and medications. An informed patient can better cope with his or her condition and therapies, increasing the adherence to treatment, and finally, the success rate of treatment.
Our aim is to work collaboratively with all stakeholders including patients, families, policy makers, health care leaders, health workers and patient organisations towards co-designing safety interventions that reflect the needs and preferences of patients, ultimately enhancing healthcare safety globally.
Patients, carers, and health care professionals are encouraged to report all side effects to
Roche Products Pty Limited ABN 70 000 132 865 | Roche Diagnostics Australia Pty Limited ABN 29 003 001 205 | Roche Diabetes Care Australia Pty Limited ABN 69 602 140 278. This website may contain information about products that are not registered for use in your country of residence and may not comply with applicable laws or regulations in that country. We do not take any responsibility for accessing such information in those circumstances. To report a suspected side effect or product complaint associated with the use of a Roche product, visit